The Miller Estate
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Gnomes vs Zombies
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The Miller Estate

116,120번 플레이됨

로봇이 아님을 인증

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게임 설명

While staying on the coast in Ducan Creek with Dr.Gregor MacDermoth and his daughter Ophelia, Prescott Bridgeman receives a letter from his old landlord Mary Miller telling him about the mysterious disappearance of her tenant Dr.Alvin Carter after his stay in her Victorian estate near where Prescott is staying. Prescott and his friends decide to do an investigation there, since they find that the problem doesn’t only lie in the disappearance, but also there is something mysterious around and inside the estate. That’s where the game begins, with Prescott as the players’ character.

카테고리: 사고 추리 게임
추가됨: 09 Jul 2015