Girly Room
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Girly Room

332,577번 플레이됨

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투표해 주셔서 감사합니다. 귀하의 투표가 저장되었으며 잠시 후 표시됩니다.
게임 설명

Do you tend to redecorate your room?

In this decoration game you'll find wonderful ideas to create a special room for a girl of any age.

Combine different elements to have your room dreams, select your preffered mascot, panintings, furniture, carpet and many more great stuffs.

A girl room doesn't have to be boring, it's beautiful with custom stenciling on the walls, select the ones you like more.

This is your room and you have been given the chance to choose the furniture and other customization to make the perfect room for you.

Enjoy Decorating Room game for girls.

카테고리: 여자아이용 게임
추가됨: 21 Feb 2013